Here, at Custom Shade Solutions, LLC, we understand that not everyone has the availability to contact us during normal operating hours. We encourage you to call anytime between 8am and 8pm, seven days a week. If an evening or weekend call works better for you then it works better for us, too!


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what Our customers say about us


I had 3 shades installed and was so impressed with how well the shades performed I had two more shades installed.

-Colleen E.

We had to keep our blinds closed because our rooms got so hot. Now we leave our blinds open all day and our home stays cool.

-Bethany H.

I was concerned about people looking into my shop windows. After having screens installed, I have the privacy I wanted, and I can still see outside.

-Kelly C.

...communications with [other contractors] have not been quick, often measured in weeks...Thank you for your quick response (as usual).

-Mr. Wilson

Call For A Free Estimate. 541-508-9602

Licensed. Bonded. Insured.

CCB: 247626


